
A Guide To Email Marketing Automation


Email marketing automation is a plan in which marketers send triggered or timed promotional emails to their mailing list subscribers. It allows online marketers to send personalized messages to prospects and customers on a regular basis or when certain conditions are met.

As examined at our previous marketing events, email automation saves marketers the time and effort of creating and sending new emails every time a prospect expresses interest in a brand,, a customer abandons a cart, a business launches a sale, and so on.

How does email marketing automation work?

Triggers and actions are central to email automation. When a specific event occurs, an email or series of emails is sent. The length of an automated email series is determined by the number of marketing actions that the company wishes to automate. As a result, the marketer can be as creative as they want with the content they send to subscribers. A marketer uses an email service to create an email flow to enable email marketing automation.

Why is email marketing useful for automation?

    • Create segmented mailing lists
    • Convert prospects into customers
    • Maintain engagement with prospects and existing customers
    • Increase efficiency
    • Improve engagement
    • Reduce costs
    • Boost business revenue
    • Better targeting and segmentation
    • Keep existing customers interested
    • More detailed reporting
    • Understand your customers more

Here are the most compelling reasons to incorporate email automation into your marketing efforts.

In the long run, it saves time
While setting up automated email campaigns may necessitate a bit more writing up front, once you've done so, you'll be able to "set it and forget it." Allow automation to do the heavy raising for you.

It's an extensible way to communicate with your audience
Your audience will expand as you grow. Finding scalable ways to stay in touch with them becomes even more critical. The answer to this? Automation.

Measure your results with ease
Analyze what content your audience enjoys and build email sequences around it with easily available email automation tools

Nicely complements other marketing channels
Wouldn't it be great to send an automated email series in tandem with a web push notification campaign informing subscribers about sales and limited-time offers? Because integrating your email marketing automation app with other apps saves time in data sync, automated email sending, and allows you to set up automated workflows across the business.

The best email software for your company should prepare you for the future of email marketing. This implies that the software should include features such as personalization, email triggering, segmentation, and database preservation devices. With these devices, your small business will be ready for the future of email marketing automation and reaching out to your audience in new, creative, and effective ways.

Final thoughts

Email marketing automation can help business owners save time and money. It integrates your email marketing with the tools you use every day to take marketing automation to the next level. Explore more about the marketing challenges and scope of email automation at the Marketing 2.0 Conference, and get a 360-degree view of its pros and cons.


Ambika Gautam works with the Marketing 2.0 Conference’s team. The three-day conference will feature hyper-focused keynotes and panel discussions revolving around the future of marketing, advertising, and retail. Touching upon the latest trends and developments in marketing automation and e-commerce, the conference will also explore effective marketing strategies, how one can protect oneself against ads that promote fake schemes, scams detection, as well as fraud prevention in the digital space.