
  • The Corporate Dilemma: Taking A Stand On Societal Issues


    | April 17, 2023

    In today's society, the corporate world is facing an increasing dilemma. With the growing importance of social responsibility, businesses are under high pressure to market their products in a way that aligns with societal values.

    However, this can be challenging, as businesses also have to maintain profitability in a highly competitive.... Read More

  • The Post COVID-19 Shift: What To Expect For The Marketing World?


    | April 17, 2023

    2020 is a year probably no one would want to relive ever again. The pandemic shifted our lives in ways none of us ever fathomed. And even though it's been two years since that, our lives are never returning to where it was in 2020 ever again. Businesses and global economies are still in the process of navigating through the changes that are a pr.... Read More

  • The Impact Of Gamification On Marketing And Other Sectors


    | March 28, 2023

    Apps like Duolingo and Habitica are becoming popular today. We all interact with such vibrant applications to achieve our goals. This trend is gradually becoming more recognized because of its utility. Such apps help monitor our daily life objectives and habits, thereby supporting a contemporary lifestyle. Industrialists call this dynamic app en.... Read More

  • Revamping Advertisements: The Age Of Programmatic Ads.


    | March 22, 2023

    The first Google voice assistant launched back in 2012, came as an awe-inspiring surprise to all. With the technological advancement of speech recognition, researchers predicted an uprise in the use of AI in the marketing industry. Today, many global marketing conferences discuss its applications in the field of advertising. Rea.... Read More

  • Influencer Marketing: The New Trump Card of the Marketing World?


    | March 21, 2023

    The marketing scenario has undergone many changes over the past few decades. Resultantly, new trends and strategies are emerging steadfastly across the globe. Moreover, these changes are being shared and adapted throughout the marketing domain, creating a ripple effect of revolutionary growth and development.

    One such trend, highlighte.... Read More